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Детское новогоднее шоу «Волшебный клей». Дизайн и изготовление декораций и

бутафории. Студия «Хихи-Хаха» 2017 г. Режиссёр Евгений Губин

Children's New Year show "Magic Glue". Design and production of scenery and props.

"Hihi-Haha" Studio, 2017. Director Yevgeny Gubin

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"Winter forest". Sketch of scenery. «Зимний лес». Эскиз декораций.

Scene from the play.

Scene from the play.

Scene from the play.

Scene from the play.



"Winter forest". Sketch of scenery. «Зимний лес». Эскиз декораций.

Scene from the play.

Scene from the play.

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Scene from the play.

Scene from the play.

Scene from the play.

Scene from the play.

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